Asked someone to marry you? Guilty, I guess. I once told someone that if he asked me to marry him I would say yes. Does that count?
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Guilty. One serious kiss, under a tree, the summer after 8th grade. She was a really messed up girl who had been terribly abused. I didn't see it coming.
Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent. I've seen too many America's Funny Videos to even try.
Ever told a lie? Guilty.
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Guilty. And he bought a house a mile away from me after living across the country for years.
Kissed a picture? Guilty. Paul Young calender. I even have a picture of me kissing the picture. "Every Time You Go Away" should start playing in the background right now.
Slept in until 5 PM? Innocent. I think my latest was 2 PM and I woke up so disoriented I didn't know what to do with myself.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty. If I was having a 7 PM meeting at my office after working all day I would sometimes snooze on the couch in the reception area after everyone left at 5.
Held a snake? Guilty. And I hated it. The tail came poking out between my legs and I nearly ran back to my car.
Been suspended from school? Innocent. I even waved at the principal once as I was leaving the school to skip the rest of the day to go shopping for prom dresses.
Worked at a fast food restaurant? Guilty. I worked at Arby's on the Indiana Toll Road. Lots of slimy truckers to contend with all day. I asked one guy if he would like cream or sugar with his coffee. He replied, "Just swish your little finger in there for a minute and that'll be enough sweetness for me". I wanted to throw up!
Stolen from a store? Guilty. Hooks Drug Store. Around 10 years old. Mom sent me to buy some aspirin. I stuck them in my pocket to try on some sunglasses. Then I picked up a few other things, checked out and left the store. When I realized I had the aspirin AND the money in my pocket, I went back into the store to buy some candy with the money. Got caught. Cried my eyes out. Never stole again.
Done something you regret? Guilty. Who hasn’t? I kept a pretty big secret for a long time. Just told a few people recently. It felt good.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Guilty. In 7th grade, with my best peeps Wendy and Brad. More than once. But, more often than that, I've made others laugh in this manner.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Guilty. And have taught others. Mady is great at it.
Kissed in the rain? Guilty. But the guy turned out to be gay so it wasn't too steamy.
Sat on a roof top? Guilty. Heritage Hill for the 4th of July. I still can't believe no one fell off. There was a lot of wine, lots.
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Guilty, I guess. No, I choose Innocent. Kissing is good even if it's not the right person. I often find myself puckering when I see someone kiss on TV even. I'm a natural :)
Sang in the shower? Innocent. But my Uncle Tommy would give full blown concerts!!
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Not sure. But I do remember having contests with my sisters to see who could take their suits off the fastest while underwater. I think Annie was the champ!
Shaved your head? Innocent. But my sister did. She looked a little cancer/chic.
Had a boxing membership? Innocent. I'm a hugger not a hitter.
Made a girlfriend cry? Guilty. And it sucks.
Been in a band? Guilty. Does a Praise Band count? My lifelong dream is to sing harmony in a local band, especially now that bars are smoke-free. Anyone looking for a kick ass backup singer??
Shot a gun? Guilty. My mom sold off part of our land to have a shooting range built. . . right next to the tavern! She then bought a gun and made me go over and shoot it. I screamed so loud that everyone in the place thought I had killed someone. Never again.
Donated Blood? Guilty. But it took 7 pokes to get a vein and I'm never going back. Sorry!
Eaten alligator meat? Guilty. Tried it a few times. In Singapore, the Bahamas and a wild game place in Denver. Tastes like chicken.
Eaten cheesecake? Guilty. Are you kidding me? New York style, Chicago, frozen, on a stick, jello brand, cherry, blueberry, pumpkin, white chocolate raspberry truffle, peanut butter . . . But the Pièce de Résistance would have to be the Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory I had a few weeks ago. A slice of heaven!
Still love someone you shouldn’t? Innocent. Not in love. sad face
Have/had a tattoo? Guilty. After a bout with cancer I got a tattoo of an angel on my shoulder, hovering over my scar.
Liked someone, but will never tell who? Innocent. I'm a pretty open book kind of person.
Been too honest? Guilty.
Ruined a surprise? Innocent. But made myself sick trying so hard not to blow it.
Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty. Not all friends turn out to be so friendly, if you know what I mean.
Joined a pageant? Innocent. But I've always wanted to learn to tap dance and twirl a baton.
Had communication with your ex? Guilty. But it really felt good to get some closure. Even 14 years later.
Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Guilty. Had a guy sing "You Are So Beautiful to Me" once. One of the sweetest moments of my life. Thanks Doug :)
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I think Praise Band definitely counts. Where did you get these questions?
ReplyDeleteThe questions came from someone else's blog.