Friday, August 8, 2014

The Long Haul

For the last 4 years I've had to get naked every six months and have the dermatologist exam every crevice of my bodacious bod. Now that there has been a recurrence of melanoma, I'm back to stripping every 3 months for the next 2 years. Only now I'm in a higher risk category so they are going to be more aggressive about doing a biopsy on funky looking spots. 

Well today was the day. Already. And my new, 70 year old, Swedish doctor with the tiny circle glasses decided to do 5 new biopsies. Raising my new grand total over the last 6 years to 31. We'll get the results in a week. 3 cuts on my back, 1 on my left breast and one on my left thigh. 

They say lightning only strikes once but I have had my house get hit and fry all my electronics and a couple years ago my car got hit as I was driving along a country road. It lifted the car off the ground and for some reason I thought I had been shot. But it only left a dent in the hood. 

Today while Dr. Stawiski was cauterizing the wound on my left thigh, I leapt off the table and yipped like a puppy or something. Unbeknownst to him, my calf was touching metal and it shot a current through my body when he touched me with the soldering doohickey. It's not an official lightening strike but COME ON! 

If anything comes back atypical it's another surgery. I know you all keep encouraging me not to be negative but this times I'm asking you to hope for it. I need negative mojo. Benign, benign, benign!! Let the countdown begin. Again. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8.8.14

    you have a wonderful way with words.
