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Lean into it, Jennifer
I have an ipod, a dvr, a computer- when my mind strays, I rewind in 30 second increments. When what I'm listening to is really good I repeat, now more easily and often than ever. I probably pause my favorite podcasts ten times before I get through them. Technology has ruined any rudimentary skill of concentration I ever used to have. I reach for the non-existent button on my car radio to replay some detail I missed. My niece, Madalynn, takes her little five year old finger and pushes the imaginary pause icon in the middle of page 10 on "Are You My Mother" so she can share a "really important" thought with me. So when I recently heard Anne Lamott speak in Grant, Michigan, I felt an unrelenting urge to pause and sometimes rewind her talk so my mind could catch up with the profound, funny, simple, deep, poetic and beautiful stories she shared.
People who inspire me most are those who know how to lift me out of my world by weaving a well-crafted story like a tapestry. I'm much more impressed by the way someone tells a story than the accuracy of that story. Not that folks would lie and exaggerate on purpose but if a story is told well, it's magical to me. Some of my favorite podcasts are all about good storytelling- This American Life, Studio 360, The Moth, Risk!, Slate's Culture Gabfest, Dinner Party Download, The Story, and any of Ricky Gervais' stuff. These programs send me off to my dreams every night now. I feel like a kid again- on one of those rare occasions where my dad would tell me a story until I fell asleep. He was a great storyteller!
I'm going to give storytelling a try through this blog. A lot of friends have told me that I have some interesting stories to tell. So, I'll attempt to weave a tapestry that has been my life so far and see what happens. Some stories will be sad, hopefully some will be funny and most of all I hope some will lift you out of your world for a minute and it will feel good.
Anne Lamott challenged us to "just write". Just make yourself write everyday and see what happens. So, welcome to my experiment. I'm going to lean into it- my past, my fears, my foibles and doubts and see what happens. If I try to write everyday for awhile, maybe a few good stories will emerge and I will share them here. Wish me good luck :)
Your first paragraph alone is enough to make me thankful you're finally writing for us! You're amazing...